Categories May 2012

Mother’s Day Project

Back to school today. There is a new traffic pattern around the school that prevents me from dropping the girls off right in front like I usually do. So I parked further down and walked them up – great timing…

Categories May 2012

Memorial Day

We had a fun Memorial Day today. In the morning, we did some organizing at home, and then the girls did a jigsaw puzzle from the basement. So cute to watch them do it together. In the afternoon, we went…

Categories May 2012

Third Quarter Art

We're having a relaxing and relatively productive Memorial Day weekend. On Friday night, Daddy brought home "Bad News Bears" and a bake-your-own pizza. The girls loved the movie and I loved the pizza. 🙂 Yesterday, the girls had haircuts (badly…

Categories May 2012

Memorial Weekend Friday

Happy Memorial Day kickoff! I am so happy that we have a three-day weekend, and then I am home for the duration until the Captain arrives. I am increasingly tired so it is coming at a good time! The girls…

Categories May 2012

Eye Doctor

This morning, A and I went to the eye doctor to get her vision checked. She is a little bit farsighted, it turns out. The doctor takes a pretty slow approach, which I like – he wants us to get…

Categories May 2012


Today, M&A each had a friend come over after school. I am not sure what they each did, because I was upstairs in the den working, but M and her friend Gemma, from what I saw, looked at Tooth Fairy…

Categories May 2012

Greasy Feet

Marathon day today. Daddy left at 6 AM for Chicago and he is still there, but returning tonight. A woke up early this AM and was very excited to find another response from the tooth fairy. She and I hung…

Categories May 2012

Domestic Accomplishments

We got a lot done today in the house. We packed part of the suitcase for the hospital. We put new knobs on the Captain's dresser and cleared out more things from the nursery. We fixed our dryer vent. We…

Categories May 2012

New Alice Pics!!

Here are some really cute Alice pics that another mom took on her iPhone. I love them! You can really see up close how cute those costumes were. I tried to scan some of the girls' cute stuff today –…

Categories May 2012


M read in the morning announcements this morning. Her topic was "Honesty". Here is what she wrote:   And here is a video of her reading it: Also, another cute thing – at dinner last night, A drew a picture…