Categories May 2012

Friday Pics

Lots of pics to share today. First up is an official Alice photo that I was able to order. M&A are #3 and #4, from the left (with A in the middle). I love this picture. I would have gotten…

Categories May 2012

Recital Video and Photos

We had a nice visit with Aunt Deb last night at our house. The girls were very excited to see her, and showed off their room, the nursery, their new air hockey table, and their magnetic earrings. They also wanted…

Categories May 2012

First Day of Being 8

Today was a good day for M and not as good a day for A. A called me from the nurse's office at 12:30 to say that she wasn't feeling well. I went and got her and she came home…

Categories May 2012

Last Days of Seven

We had QUITE a weekend! Wow. Where to start? Saturday was the day of the Lafayette Spring Fair. I had a bat mitzvah to go to in the morning, so I dropped the girls off at ballet and Daddy picked…

Categories May 2012

Presents and Presents!

My colleagues at Discovery gave me a lovely surprise shower today, which was very sweet. They were trying to get me to reveal the Captain's name, but I didn't give in. I got some new books, bookends for the Bridge,…

Categories May 2012

More Pictures

I was too tired to post last night because I got home a little late. A bunch of friends from my old job got together to celebrate three upcoming babies – including the Captain – at a casual dinner/shower downtown.…