Categories May 2014

Cuteness Abounds

So much cuteness in this house. First, I have to share some adorable mispronunciations by N. Smoothie = "Foonie" Purple = "peeple" Flower = "fladder" Yellow = something that isn't yellow, but I can't remember what it is Second, how…

Categories May 2014

Memorial Day 2014

Happy Memorial Day! We had a BBQ tonight to celebrate the holiday. We invited the Kohn-Murphys, the Edmonds, and the Dailards. 8 kids plus N, and 7 grownups. It was a big success! Hamburgers, hot dogs, salmon burgers, pasta salad…

Categories May 2014

Spring Performance

Tonight was the girls' Spring Performance in ballet. They did a great job. They were first in a piece that showcased skills from the class, and then were in a piece called "Spring" which had students in many levels in…

Categories May 2014

Catching up on Photos

I have lots of photos to upload!  Here are the girls at Arts Night: Pre-Arts Night:   Accompanying the 4th grade for Lean on Me:    A's Greek vase:   M and her self-portrait:    Post-pizza:    M and Coach…

Categories May 2014

M’s Bad Day

Today was a tough day for M.  At her coaching job this afternoon (she and A assistant coach a Little League team on Wednesdays), she was hit by a bat swung by one of the kids. She has a nasty…

Categories May 2014

End of the Year is Coming

Well, it looks like we are slowly but surely getting to the end of the year. Some activities are ending – the girls had their last Sunday School class this morning and their last Chug Ivrit class last Monday. Others…

Categories May 2014

Crazy Saturday!

We had quite a day! It went like this: Wake up Girls go to bootcamp with me Come home for Daddy's French Toast Girls ready for ballet Drop girls at ballet Daddy go for a run Mommy/N/Lucky for a walk…