Categories November 2009

Thanksgiving Wrapup

Today is the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. We arrived in NY late Thursday afternoon, just in time for a yummy dinner with Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron, Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason. Thank you to Dina and Darrah for making such…

Categories November 2009

M’s Recovery

I an happy to report that M is feeling much better today. She went to school, she has lots of energy, and she hasn't said once that her stomach hurts. Yay! We were supposed to leave for NY today, but…

Categories November 2009

Sick Day/First Day

Tough day. First day of work for me, but M started saying yesterday that her stomach hurt, and she was up much of last night. She didn't go to school today. Daddy picked up A at school and brought her…

Categories November 2009

November Photos

I start the new job tomorrow and am trying to get all caught up before I do. So… I finally uploaded the pics from November (so far) and have them to share on the blog today. (Aunt Ann – you've…

Categories November 2009

Thanksgiving Food Survey

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Thanksgiving survey last night! In case you were wondering, the winner of most popular Thanksgiving food was… pie! Here are the favorites: Pie: Maddie, Alexa, Mommy, Benjamin, Olivia, Grandma Sandy, Uncle Jonathan…

Categories November 2009

Line Caboose: No Fun

Some gems from dropoff this am: M said "Remember what job I have today?" I said "Nurse and Office Runner". She said yes. I said, "A, remind me what job you have today?" She said, "Line caboose. That is not…

Categories November 2009

Sunday Night Wrapup

What a weekend! When did I post last? I think it was Thursday. Highlights of the last three days: lunch at Grampy and Nana's yesterday, lunch at Buppie's today (plus a visit to the playground), dinner at Sydney's last night…