Categories November 2009

Veteran’s Day

No school today. The girls had a VERY busy day. A playdate at their friend Hannah's house, then a playdate with Jessie here this afternoon, and then a piano lesson from Buppie. I spent the day cleaning out my office,…

Categories November 2009

Field Trip

I went with the girls this morning on their field trip to the Natural History Museum. Can I just say this? It was EXHAUSTING. I can't explain why, but it really took it out of me. Wow. We went down…

Categories November 2009

Friday Roundup

All three of us got haircuts tonight. We all look cute. Well, two of us look cuter than the third. Paul, who cuts our hair, noted tonight that the girls have very different personalities. Yep. Tonight at dinner, I asked…

Categories November 2009

Blog Book

I am working on getting the P&B blog made into a book. There are a few different services out there that can do it, with different pros/cons. I was reading through some of the older posts tonight, and all I…

Categories November 2009

Happy Halloween!

We have had a very fun but busy weekend. Yesterday the girls went to the Spooktacular at Chevy Chase Circle wtih Daddy. Grampy met them there, and then I went for a run and ran to see them there too.…