Categories November 2010

Black Friday

We've had a very busy two days! Yesterday was Thanksgiving. We spent most of the day cooking (made: cauliflower with lemon and mustard; brussel sprouts with grapes; sweet potatoes; butternut squash soup; and spicy/sweet nuts). This was in addition to…

Categories November 2010

Dessert Factory

Happy day before Thanksgiving! I had the day off today and spent it running a lot of errands. I also made three desserts tonight: pumpkin torte, pumpkin cake, and apple crisp. Thank you to Grandma Sandy who helped with the…

Categories November 2010

Happy Birthday Grampy!

Really looking forward to some time off this week – much needed! And some time at home, cooking and hanging out. Hopefully some reading too. This Friday is a dress rehearsal and Saturday is the first full on-stage performance of…

Categories November 2010


I am at THE ARC, a lovely theater in Anacostia, where the girls will have their first Nutcracker performance next Saturday. Today, they had a Bumblebee rehearsal, and now an entire Act II rehearsal. I picked them up at school at…

Categories November 2010

The Weekend By The Numbers

Wow. What a weekend. Here goes… Age of Grampy today: 70! Happy birthday Grampy/Dad!! Weeks that M&A successfully kept a secret from Grampy (his surprise party): 4 Bedtime for the girls last night: 11:30 PM Hours at Nutcracker rehearsal: 5…

Categories November 2010

Not My Favorite Night

Some nights are tougher than others. Tonight M forgot (lost?) her weekly homework; A kept wanting to play my guitar while we were reading; M said she had a terrible day and started crying; both girls called me bossy. Before…

Categories November 2010

Dot Pictures

The girls' weekly ballet class is right next to a toy store. We often stop there after class, and M usually hounds me to buy her something (A too, but to a much lesser extent). The last time we were…

Categories November 2010


The girls had another long rehearsal tonight. Here is what happens when they come out of rehearsal and meet me: A is excited and enthusiastic and tells me how much fun she had; M lets out a veeerrrryyy long moan…

Categories November 2010

Two Stories

I have a lot of photos to upload – from today's ballet recital and from the girls' Veterans Day performance last Wednesday. I will upload tomorrow – right now I am sitting at Nutcracker rehearsal and it will tax the…

Categories November 2010

Veteran’s Day

I was in Philly and NY this week, and I am now back at home. Very happy to be home. The girls didn't have school today for Veteran's Day. In the morning, they had a playdate with Hannah. Then, in…