Categories November 2011

Catching up!

Oh am I behind on the blog. I haven't posted since last Tuesday, and a lot has happened since then! I have a lot of photos and some videos to upload as well – will do some of it tomorrow…

Categories November 2011

Performance Day!

Today was an exhausting but exhilarating day. In the morning, the girls' classrooms were transformed into American Indian museums. A's class researched the Seminole tribe, and they had different stations where they displayed necklaces, dolls, crafts, and homes that the…

Categories November 2011

Golden L!

Ever since M got to Lafayette, she has wanted to earn a Golden L. Golden Ls are awarded to kids who do nice and selfless things for others. I have forgotten what M did that was so helpful, but she…

Categories November 2011

Date Night with M

Tonight, A is out on her big outing with her teacher from last year, seeing The Sound of Music. Here are some pics of A, Aidan and Paloma before they headed out: How cute!? So tonight we are home with…

Categories November 2011

Big Weekend Ahead

We have a fun few days ahead. Tomorrow, A is going to see The Sound of Music with her teacher from last year and two other kids – we won this in the school auction last spring. She will be…

Categories November 2011

Cute Art from A

A made this cute picture at school of these creatures (monsters?) and then had to calculate how many body parts they have: I love them – I just think they are so cute. Here are the calculations: Here also is…

Categories November 2011

M’s Report Card

M brought home a report card today. She did great – 4s (the highest) in every academic subject, and the following note from her teacher: Hi M! You are a strong learner who is always reliable academically. It's been nice…

Categories November 2011

Weekend Report

We had a fun, if exhausting weekend. Last night, the girls had a slumber party at their friend Ellie's house. Daddy and I took advantage of the empty house and had a party with a bunch of our friends over.…