Categories November 2011

What a Kid!

Last night, A said something that is magical to parents' ears. She said, "Today was a really great day!". We asked her what made it so great. She said that she: 1) got a flu shot, so now she won't…

Categories November 2011

Field Trip

The girls had a field trip to the Native American museum today. A said that the field trip was "great", but upon further questioning admitted that the best part was lunch. The dancing was "boring" and the rest of it…

Categories November 2011

Just Dance Kids 2

Somehow, I have gotten in the review copy pipeline for Ubisoft, who makes a variety of popular Wii games. Recently, they sent me Just Dance Kids 2, which the girls tried out tonight. They loved it! The surprise favorite was a…

Categories November 2011

Baseball Pics

Today I got the dreaded Call from the School Nurse at 12:30. M had been in twice already with a sore throat and stomachache. So she came home from school and I took her to the doctor in the afternoon.…

Categories November 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

I have lots of cute pics to upload but will do it tomorrow when I have some time. We had a jam-packed weekend – lots of ballet classes and rehearsals, a baseball game, mother-daughter book club, M's class dinner, errands…

Categories November 2011

Tooth Extractions

M did a great job this morning at her tooth extractions. She had 3 teeth taken out – two bottom canines and one top canine. The fourth fell out on its own about a month or two ago. It was…

Categories November 2011

More Halloween Pics!

Here are some more pictures from Halloween. They are from M&A's classes, before and after the parade, plus the parade itself and then pics from home before trick-or-treating. I think there is nothing cuter in the world than an elementary…