Categories November 2012

Cute Photos

Girls had a three person playdate here today – with Emily, Charlotte and Zoey. I am not a fan of the after-school playdate because they set everything back in terms of timing, and then when I get home from work…

Categories November 2012

The Long Weekend By the Numbers

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend! The holiday itself was a lot of fun, and the girls had their premiere yesterday. They were FANTASTIC! Soldiers are a great part – lots of complicated choreography, lots of precision. Even though both…

Categories November 2012


THis afternoon we decided to go to the zoo (along with a lot of other people in the metro DC area!). When we got there, we found out that Zoolights started tonight. So, we looked at some of the exhibits,…

Categories November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving today at Grandma Sandy's today with Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron, and Aunt Tequila. The food was delicious and the dinner was a lot of fun. Added bonuses: Amy and Griffin came by for dessert, and…

Categories November 2012

Catching Up on Pictures

No more work or school this week – yay! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron are coming tomorrow afternoon and we are having dinner at Grandma Sandy's with her and Tequila. Should be a fun day! I made…

Categories November 2012

Late Rehearsal

Tonight the girls had a very late rehearsal – 7-9 PM. They didn't get home until almost 10. And because they got a ride to the rehearsal with someone whose call time was even earlier, they spent a lot of…

Categories November 2012

Recent Pics

This is always a very crazy time of year for us – pre-Thanksgiving, runup to Nutcracker. The girls have a rehearsal tomorrow evening at THEARC, which means that A is misisng her Notebusters concert (which I am VERY sad about).…

Categories November 2012

Report Card Friday

The girls came home today with wonderful report cards. We are so proud of them. Not only did they get 4's (the top) in every subject (except art – what the hell?), but they got very glowing comments from their…

Categories November 2012

Late Night

Tonight was a pretty unusual night. A and N were home with Imogene. Daddy came home at 8. I got home at 10:15 following a work dinner in VA. And M came home at 10:20 after going to see Cinderella…