Categories November 2012

Veterans Day

Today was Veterans Day and I had to go to work. Daddy stayed home with all three kids. He did a great job! He took them to the National Gallery of Art in the afternoon, in part to see the…

Categories November 2012

My God What a Day

Whew! That was one crazy day. Girls got up pretty late, and then went off to Sunday School. Thankfully they are all caught up on homework and the online lessons. M had to leave early to go to baseball, so…

Categories November 2012

Saturday Night

Here are some new developments – 1. N has discovered his toes, which is very very cute. He loves to touch and hold them. He has also discovered, um, some other apendages. 2. N is pretty much too big for…

Categories November 2012

Half Birthday

So, some good things happened today, and some not as good things happened today. First, we got a new president. Well, not a new president, but a second term president. Obama won yesterday, which was very good news in our…

Categories November 2012

Election Night

In honor of Election Night, N wore blue stars and stripes: He was so stressed about the poll results that he fell asleep before his bath. (He later woke up.) This is one of the cutest outfits I've seen him…

Categories November 2012


Some interesting developments today: Both girls have decided to run for student council representative from their respective classes. Four per class are chosen. They had to sign a pledge saying that they will participate in the activities and bring baked…

Categories November 2012

Saturday Night Tired

Girls had double ballet today – rehearsal and class – and sadly no baseball because it conflicted with ballet. Otherwise it was a pretty typical Saturday – a few errands. We had dinner at Clyde's. N was very good despite…

Categories November 2012

Day 1

I made it through the first day. I called home en route home, and M asked about my day. She said, "Were people mean to you?" No, no one was mean. 🙂 Here are some more pics from Halloween, including…