Categories November 2013

Erev Hanukah

The weather here is awful – grey and cold and rainy – which is making life more challenging. Little N isn't going outside much, though I did take him to Big Muscle Playtime and Kidville today, which he loved. He…

Categories November 2013


Extremely cute things that the little boy did today: 1) When I said, "Give A a hug" he went and hugged her knees. When I said, "Give M a hug" he went and hugged her knees. When I said, "Give…

Categories November 2013

The Weekend By the Numbers

Here is a quick weekend-by-the-numbers post, because it is already 11PM and I need to wrap a million Hanukah presents. Hours spent in ballet rehearsal or class: 5:45 Birthday of Grampy's that we celebrated tonight: 73 Menu for Grampy's dinner:…

Categories November 2013

Go Blue!

Poor A isn't feeling well. She has a stomachache and the dry heaves. She went to ballet class and to Nutcracker rehearsal, but she didn't participate. She rested a lot tonight and hasn't eaten almost anything today. Poor pup. Tonight…

Categories November 2013

Quiz Answers

Everyone's tired – the girls had rehearsal from 8-9:30 at THEARC so we got home late. Also, it's the end of a long week – book report due today for M, social studies and spelling quizzes today for M, math…

Categories November 2013

Time For A Quiz

I think it's time for a good ol' M&A multiple choice quiz. How well do you know the girls? 1. Who always carries the ballet bag to and from ballet?     a) M     b) A 2. Who did their…

Categories November 2013

Tuesday Report

Here are some things that happened today. 1. M participated in a math team test, which was apparently very hard. 2. A met her math "tutee" today. She can apparently count to 100. 3. N went to story hour at…

Categories November 2013

Quick Post

Uneventful Monday. School, Hebrew School, homework, work on book report (M), finish the new Wimpy Kid book (A), piano practice, play with N. N had a playdate with a new neighbor who is 2, which went nicely. I can't express…

Categories November 2013

Pas de Deux

Here is our weekend update. We had a busy but not CRAZY weekend. Rehearsal x 2, book club x 1, Sunday School x 1, sleepover x 1. The sleepover was last night, with Natalie. They watched Monsters U. and then…

Categories November 2013

Class Representatives!

Exciting news: BOTH GIRLS were elected to be the female class respresentative from their respective classes. Yay to the Feldmans! They will both be awesome representatives. We are so proud of them! I will try to post their speeches on…