Categories November 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner at Nana and Grampy's with the following people: the 5 of us, Jonathan/Liz/Sarah/Rachel, and Nana/Grampy/Ani/Emily. We had a very nice time and it was great to catch up with everyone! We came home and…

Categories November 2014

N Conference and Flu Shot

We had N's conference today. Here are some of the things we discussed: His teachers love his joyful personallity. He loves coming to school and loves exploring the whole classroom, and particularly the sand/water table, anything with paper and stickers,…

Categories November 2014

One Two Three Four Nine

Here is the super cute video of N in the bath:   I also forgot to mention yesterday that he counts like this: One, Two, Three, Four, Nine. Tomorrow we are having his parent-teacher conference so there will be a…

Categories November 2014

Updates on N

A couple funny Nate-isms… He calls balloons "baboons", and instead of correcting him, I reinforce it because it's so cute. Whenever there is commotion somewhere, he runs over and says, "What happened, Ada? What happened, Maddie?" He loves to play…

Categories November 2014

I Am Eleven

Tonight after school I took the girls to see a movie, a documentary called I Am Eleven, which is about eleven year-olds all over the world. We went with a bunch of people from school and their moms. Afterwards, we…

Categories November 2014

N’s Social Sunday

N had a very social day today. He went to a class gathering at Livingston Park this morning which almost of all of his attended. It was cold but lots of fun, and there was a ton of food. N…