Categories November 2015

Thanksgiving Day Wrapup

We had a lovely, if somewhat impromptu, Thanksgiving dinner last night. M and especially A are still a little under the weather, but they've been in good spirits. We had a low-key day here at home. The kids watched the…

Categories November 2015

The Best Laid Plans…

Well, we're going to be doing Thanksgiving here in DC tomorrow. Unfortunately, both girls got sick on Monday evening, and we're not going to be able to go to RonDeeVous for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I think they are both on the…

Categories November 2015

Grampy’s Birthday Dinner

I wanted to post last night but I fell asleep, and then woke up to fold laundry and fell asleep again. It was that kind of day!  We celebrated Grampy's birthday last night with a pizza/salad/brussels sprouts/cake dinner. Happy birthday…

Categories November 2015

Last Soccer Game

We are in the midst of a pretty busy weekend. A had her last soccer game this morning (pics below), and afterwards we went to Starbucks to celebrate. N and A both got hot chocolates and snowmen cookies. M was…

Categories November 2015

N is Better!!

N went back to school today! Hooray! He didn't miss a beat, and when Carter arrived, they were shy for a second and then N gave him a huge hug and started jumping up and down all around him. It…

Categories November 2015

On The Mend?

N woke up this morning with a normal temperature. He had us convinced that he could go to school until we noticed him getting a little warmer as 9AM approached. We took his temp again at 9 and it was…

Categories November 2015

Still Sick!

It's hard to believe it but N is STILL sick. Today is Tuesday and he has been sick since last Thursday. We took him back to the doctor this morning and he now has some spots on his tonsils, suggesting…

Categories November 2015

Sick N

Poor little N has been sick since Thursday. His temperature hit 105 today. Very scary. We've been in touch with the pediatrician, and we're trying to keep him hydrated and medicated. He's in very good spirits and has been interested…

Categories November 2015

Sock Snowmen

Poor little N had a fever today and stayed home from school. He was in generally good spirits but tired, which meant he fell asleep on the couch watching TV this afternoon. Through it all he was still so sweet.…