Homesnap News
The big news around here is that Homesnap was acquired by CoStar for $250 million. The deal should close in about a month. Very exciting! I have been working nonstop for a few days but it's all interesting and good.…
The big news around here is that Homesnap was acquired by CoStar for $250 million. The deal should close in about a month. Very exciting! I have been working nonstop for a few days but it's all interesting and good.…
M HAS HER DRIVER'S LICENSE! She got it yesterday. She did great on the driving test – very calm, smooth and no mistakes. The guy who administered the test was very kind and the whole thing went very well. Tonight…
Who will be more excited for Sadie to leave – M or Lucky? This is a tough question. Both of them hate Sadie's crying and noise; both hate when Sadie jumps on them. L hates when Sadie eats his food…
Another day, another lesson in having a pointer mix: 1) they need a lot of exercise; 2) they like to chew; 3) they are adorable. That is all.
Another good but busy day with Sadie. A has been great with her and the only place where she is calm is in A's room. We are moving into the next steps with her – I spoke with a potential…
Here was Sadie's day (so far): 2AM: MASSIVE throw-up in crate in A's room2:15AM: Smaller throw-ups in crate in A's room2:20 Pee and poop on walk outside 2:25 Drink water from bowl2:30 Massive throw-up of water on A's floor6:00 Walk outside…
We have our first foster dog! Her name is Sadie and she's a pointer mix. Lucky Dog says she's 1 year and 48 pounds. I think she's younger and may be a little bigger. A and I went to get…
Everyone in this house is covid free as of 7AM today. We're all tired now from an early wakeup and trudge to CMG, but we're relieved. We may foster a dog this weekend. 3/5 of us are excited about that.…
Before covid, I used to get a lot of email in my personal account. But since covid, my inbox has exploded. I get emails on the following topics: how to log in to remote learning (this has calmed down a…
Yesterday was a very good day. There was a lot of joy and celebrating in the house yesterday. Daddy ended up going to the White House twice, one with A and once with M and N. Driving around DC around…