Categories October 2009

A is Star of the Week

This week, A is Star of the Week at school. That means that every day, she shares something about herself – pictures, a toy, a book, something she made. Today, she brought in some family photos, as well as a…

Categories October 2009

Sarah’s Weekend

We are back from our trip to NJ. It was a lot of fun, and Sarah did a WONDERFUL job as a bat mitzvah. She gave a wonderful speech at the temple, recited her Torah portion without a hitch, and then…

Categories October 2009

Off to NJ

Tomorrow, we leave for NJ for Sarah's bat mitzvah. We are very excited and very proud of her. Tomorrow there is an evening service, and then on Saturday she will be reading her Torah portion in the morning service. Then…

Categories October 2009

Homework and Cheerleaders

Sometimes you do things as a parent that have unintended (and sometimes positive!) consequences. The girls bring home their completed homework in their backpacks after their teacher reviews it. As a result, I am accumulating lots of pages of homework…

Categories October 2009

Tilting At Windmills

Last night we took the girls to a full length ballet – Don Quixote at the Kennedy Center. They did a great job – little squirming or complaining. I am not sure they followed all of it, but they liked…

Categories October 2009

Rainy Saturday

It's early Sunday morning. I fell asleep before posting last night, so this will be Saturday's post. The girls were out the whole day today. We went to ballet in the morning. (I still have no idea what they do…

Categories October 2009

Photo Gallery

We had a lovely day yesterday at Butler's with the Kohn-Murphys, picking pumpkins and enjoying the Pumpkin Festival. Too bad it was cloudy and freezing! We got six pumpkins – three orange, one white, and two green. I finally uploaded…