Categories October 2009


We're having a sleepover tonight. Lolly is here. As Tuvana reminded me, the last time we did a sleepover with Lolly, I live-blogged it. No such luck tonight. Daddy is home and I don't want to be on the computer all…

Categories October 2009

All About M

Today I am posting the "All About Me" book that M made at school last week. I think she is an amazing artist too! Take a look at her drawings, especially the piano and the ballerina with crossed legs:    …

Categories October 2009

All about A

I am headed to Detroit tonight for my first business trip in many, many months. Sad to be away from the girls and the routine. But it is a short trip – I will be back tomorrow night. And today…

Categories October 2009

Photo Gallery

This morning, M and I discussed whether she could bring Baby to school. We decided that it was not a good idea, since she could get lost very easily. However, M didn't realize that she was carrying Baby until we…

Categories October 2009

Race Day

I ran the Army Ten Miler here in DC this morning, and Daddy and M&A came to cheer me on. They were waiting when I got to mile 6.5, which was the perfect place for them to be. They were…