Categories October 2010

Halloween Costumes

Tonight, we did a dry run on the Halloween costumes. They look adorable. We will take lots of pictures tomorrow. For homework tonight, the girls had to draw a picture of their costumes and write a few sentences about them.…

Categories October 2010


We had parent-teacher conferences today. Here's what we learned: A is doing very well. She's reading at the 1st grade level, and her comprehension is excellent. She pays a lot of attention during stories. Her spelling and reading have improved…

Categories October 2010


Tonight, as part of their homework, the girls had to come up with words that start with P-U-M-P-K-I-N. M, as usual, raced through it. A, on the other hand, lingered and stalled, only settling for words that no one else…

Categories October 2010

The Weekend By The Numbers

Ballet classes/rehearsals: 3 Walkathons: 1 (very short one during Sunday School) Hours spent babysitting by very sweet 13 year old on our street: 4 Cupcakes/cookies/sweets ingested by M today: 6 Jigsaw puzzles completed and spread out on the dining room…

Categories October 2010

Finally Friday

It is Friday. What happened this week? Daddy and I were in Rome but are back and are fully ensconsed in work again. A lost her tooth, finally, at school on Thursday. The girls and I did a 300-piece jigsaw…

Categories October 2010

Some Funnies

The girls are making great progress on a 300 piece jigsaw puzzle that I brought home from work yesterday. It's a puzzle from The Hub, the new kids' network. They are doing really well with a hard puzzle!! There is…

Categories October 2010

Picture Day

I returned from Rome yesterday. Had a fun time with Daddy touring around, seeing the sites, having some yummy dinners and lunches, and just enjoying ourselves. While we were gone, the girls had a jam-packed weekend. They had 2 ballet…

Categories October 2010


We went to the pumpkin festival today, which the girls always enjoy. I have a lot of pics which I will upload tomorrow. We got 6 pumpkins: Daddy: large orange M: two greens Mommy: one orange and one green/orange A:…