Categories October 2011


Late this afternoon at work I got a call from M's speech therapy saying that she had pinkeye and needed to go home. Imogene took her home, and I got home a bit later and took her and A to…

Categories October 2011

M Proud and A Worried

Here are the very cute drawings that M&A did that I wanted to share last week. A's is a drawing about a time that she was worried: I love the detail – A at the diving board, the perspective, the…

Categories October 2011

The Weekend By The Numbers

The Weekend By The Numbers: Fall Festivals attended: 1 Ballet rehearsals attended: 2 Ballet rehearsals attended WITH MR. WEBER: 1 Sub-par buns made by Mommy: 2 Passable buns made by Mommy: 6 Minutes spent walking for the homeless today: 15…

Categories October 2011

Fall Festival

We had a fun day today. Ballet this morning, then home to hang out and watch the Project Runway semi-final before lunch. Then to the Lafayette Fall Festival, and then to Nutcracker rehearsal. The girls found out today that they…

Categories October 2011


I have THE CUTEST pictures that the girls drew to scan and post, but the scanner function on the copy machine isn't working. I hate when that happens! I really wanted to post them today. Oh well, I will do…

Categories October 2011

Jam-packed Thursday

The girls had a long day today, and can be forgiven their crankiness before bed! They had a field trip to the Arboretum. Other than a koi pond, I haven't really heard much about what they saw. I do know…