Categories October 2011

Thursday Report

It has been a few days since I last posted. The girls are having an easy week – not much homework, because it's a three day week (off Monday and Friday) and they didn't have to do much. A had…

Categories October 2011

Good Sisters

Tonight, Grandma Sandy's friend Elinor came over to help show me how to prune the plants in my house. She stayed for an hour and really improved the plants. While she was here, A helped M with her speech therapy…

Categories October 2011

Sunday Wrapup

I haven't posted for a few days – we've had a lot going on here. It was Yom Kippur, so Daddy and I went out to dinner Friday night with the Kohn-Murphy's and Koppel-Pollack's. We went to services with the…

Categories October 2011


Today we achieved resolution on two issues that have been the topic of intense conversation over the last few weeks: what the girls will be in The Nutcracker, and what to name our new dog. Well, here are the answers!…

Categories October 2011

Reader Mailbag

Wow, serious reader mail today! Will do my best to respond… Ok, more about the VIP dinner. POTUS and FLOTUS, it turns out, were ALSO celebrating their anniversary dinner (their 19th, our 10th) at the same restaurant we were on…

Categories October 2011

The Weekend By The Numbers

Cuteness of Bunky: Off the charts Names still in contention for Bunky: at least 3 (Charlie, Jake and Trick-or-Treat) Times Bunky peed in the house over the weekend: 1 Time that Bunky woke up this morning: 8:15, when we woke…