Rainbow Loom Video
Fall Festival photos will wait for another post. Today, M was hit by a baseball in the forehead at practice. She seems to be fine, but still stressful. I will be somewhat relieved when baseball season is over. Is that…
Fall Festival photos will wait for another post. Today, M was hit by a baseball in the forehead at practice. She seems to be fine, but still stressful. I will be somewhat relieved when baseball season is over. Is that…
Another crazy weekend. Here was the to-do list, and how it worked out. Soccer game – A's team tied, 2-2. They played great, and A got the award for "Having Fun" Ballet class – uneventful. They are doing Harry Potter…
Once again we are facing a crazy weekend schedule. Here's what's on the agenda: Soccer game Ballet class 2 Nutcracker rehearsals Fall Festival Get pumpkins Sunday School (will likely be skipped) Baseball game A's class dinner for parents Make M's…
N was playing with his bear before bath tonight (I was showing him that it was the same bear in his bed that was also on his diaper). He then wanted to cuddle with the bear while in the bath.…
More very cute pics of the little boy.
Lots of stuff happening around here. Little dog got his teeth cleaned today. No extractions and no x-rays. That means that it cost $150 less than the minimum estimate they gave me. And his teeth are very clean. Poor pup…
Wow. This was quite a weekend, and today feels like one of the longest days I can remember. I left the house at 6:15 AM to go to meet Grampy, VERY narrowly missing hitting a deer on 32nd St. in…
It is now Saturday night, and we are still plugging through the to-do list. We've just returned from Finn's bar mitzvah, which was fun. The girls are exhausted from having slept very little at the sleepover last night, combined with…
I'm a girl who likes to cross things off of lists. It makes me feel productive. So here is where things stand on Friday night, as far as the Weekend To-Do List: 1. 4 flu shots 2. 2 haircuts 3.…
It has been a long day, and a long night, and we have a crazy few days ahead of us. Here's what's on tap: 1. 4 flu shots 2. 2 haircuts 3. A slumber party 4. Soccer practice 5. Rescheduled…