Categories October 2013


Today was Columbus Day, and all the kids were home. I took them to an open gym at Kidville in Bethesda, which is where I take N on Tuesday mornings. I wasn't sure if they would let the girls in,…

Categories October 2013

Our Little Reader

Have I mentioned lately that the little boy loves books? He will sit on the floor and look at his books for long stretches of time. Today I took a shower and he sat on my bathroom floor the whole…

Categories October 2013


Glad that this week is over. Here is why today was challenging: It POURED all day. Made dropoff and pickup very difficult. No baseball or soccer practice. The girls had huge reports due today. N hasn't left the house in…

Categories October 2013

Book Reports and Nutcracker

First, the big news. M&A are… SOLDIERS again! They weren't that excited at first, but they are now. They will be veterans and can show everyone else the ropes. And A is trying to figure out how many soldiers are…

Categories October 2013


Today had an interesting start. A woke up with a slight fever and decided to stay home from school. I walked M to school for Walk to School Day. Then I learned from A's teacher that she had standardized testing…

Categories October 2013

16 Months Old!

Little N is 16 months old today! He's just the cutest thing. His latest tricks: pulling your hand and guiding you to where he wants you to go; clapping a ton; climbing unassisted; eating from a spoon (a little); reading…