Categories October 2015

A’s Spanish Collage

Tonight, A had to create a photo collage-type document about herself for Spanish class. Here are some screenshots: So cute!! M&A had a field trip to the Air & Space Museum today. Sounds like it was a good trip. They…

Categories October 2015

Cute N-isms

N has said some really cute things lately. Today he was talking to Lucky, and he said, "Mama, I want Lucky to talk to me."  Yesterday, he ate something good, and then said, "My tummy is saying, 'That is yummy!'"…

Categories October 2015

Recent Videos

I have taken some really cute videos over the last few weeks. Here is M dancing the Little Butterfly part wearing her Halloween costume: Here is N bowling at Ben's birthday party (watch til the ends):   And here are…

Categories October 2015

Parents Day TSNS

Tonight was Parents Night at TSNS, and we got to spend a lot of time in N's classroom with his teachers after the annual slide show. The photo of N in the slide show wasn't the best – he was…

Categories October 2015


A has been making increasingly complicated hairstyles in her hair. Tonight she did a really pretty one where she twisted two braids in the back and put in a flower barrette. M has been working on her Halloween costume with…

Categories October 2015


We had parent-teacher conferences with the girls' teachers today and they went very well. The girls are doing great in 6th grade. Their teachers seem to like them a lot and had good things to say about their homework and…

Categories October 2015

Images From The Weekend

A picture tells a thousand words, so I am going to let these tell the story of our weekend. A at Crate and Barrel today:   M in her pig costume for Halloween, while doing her butterfly dance:   N…

Categories October 2015

Friday Night

I am in a hotel room in Baltimore with slow wi-fi and a race to run in the morning, so this will be a short post. We started out the morning with a pancake breakfast for A's homeroom. N was…