A’s Spanish Collage
Tonight, A had to create a photo collage-type document about herself for Spanish class. Here are some screenshots: So cute!! M&A had a field trip to the Air & Space Museum today. Sounds like it was a good trip. They…
Tonight, A had to create a photo collage-type document about herself for Spanish class. Here are some screenshots: So cute!! M&A had a field trip to the Air & Space Museum today. Sounds like it was a good trip. They…
N has said some really cute things lately. Today he was talking to Lucky, and he said, "Mama, I want Lucky to talk to me." Yesterday, he ate something good, and then said, "My tummy is saying, 'That is yummy!'"…
I have taken some really cute videos over the last few weeks. Here is M dancing the Little Butterfly part wearing her Halloween costume: Here is N bowling at Ben's birthday party (watch til the ends): And here are…
Written on Saturday: Our weekend schedules have been too busy for us to get out to Butler's for pumpkin picking. Today we conceded that it wasn't going to happen and got pumpkins on Mass Ave again. They have good pumpkins…
Tonight was Parents Night at TSNS, and we got to spend a lot of time in N's classroom with his teachers after the annual slide show. The photo of N in the slide show wasn't the best – he was…
A has been making increasingly complicated hairstyles in her hair. Tonight she did a really pretty one where she twisted two braids in the back and put in a flower barrette. M has been working on her Halloween costume with…
We had parent-teacher conferences with the girls' teachers today and they went very well. The girls are doing great in 6th grade. Their teachers seem to like them a lot and had good things to say about their homework and…
A picture tells a thousand words, so I am going to let these tell the story of our weekend. A at Crate and Barrel today: M in her pig costume for Halloween, while doing her butterfly dance: N…
I am in a hotel room in Baltimore with slow wi-fi and a race to run in the morning, so this will be a short post. We started out the morning with a pancake breakfast for A's homeroom. N was…
Today was Pajama Day at TSNS. Here is what N wore to school: Those are his fire truck pajamas. He said Carter wore train pajamas and Zayn wore dinosaur pajamas and Carolyn wore bunny pajamas. (That's all I remember.) It…