Categories September 2007

Fall Cleaning

It’s Friday. This AM I brought the girls to school and thought maybe I’d try curbside dropoff. Like drive-up banking, it’s better in theory than in practice. When the girls realized that I was contemplating NOT walking them in to…

Categories September 2007

One Down, One to Go

So here’s the Halloween update. When I got back from my trip, A still wanted to be an alligator, though she was starting to mention dinosaur more often. M no longer wanted to be a penguin or bunny, but had…

Categories September 2007

Business Trip

I am in Detroit for work for two nights, returning home tomorrow. I miss the girls a lot. Tonight I asked them what pajamas they are wearing – A: purple polka dot; M: flowers and polka dots, pink and purple.…

Categories September 2007

Trike Ride

I am tired. Long but fun day. We saw two sets of baby twins this morning – one set who was having a joint bris/naming (talk about stressful for the parents) and one set who was born very premature in…

Categories September 2007

Gimme Three Steps

I wasn’t able to post yesterday, so I have two days of stories and funny comments saved up for tonight’s blog. A wasn’t feeling well when I got home last night and also this morning, so she stayed home from…

Categories September 2007


I came home from work tonight to the saddest sight: M on the couch, cheeks red, droopy eyes. She had a fever of 101.8 and didn’t want to do anything except cry or watch Clifford and the dreaded Barney. Poor…

Categories September 2007

Halloween is Coming

We have spent a lot of time tonight discussing what the girls want to be for Halloween. As I reported yesterday, we had an Oscar the Grouch (A) and a kangaroo (M). Tonight, it was Oscar the Grouch for both.…

Categories September 2007

Telling Time

We had another great playdate today with M and A’s dear friends O and A (again, using initials for privacy). The kids all lunched alfresco in the backyard and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Here are some photos, which also include…

Categories September 2007

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. The girls did just fine. M decided that she liked her teacher after all, which was a relief. Tonight, when she was in the bath, she told me that she didn’t want me…