Categories September 2009

Back in DC

Well, we are home. Here is the good news: A is feeling better today. Her fever spiked around 5 AM, but after she woke up for good at 7:30, it was much lower. We took her to the doctor on…

Categories September 2009

Friday At Last

The girls had a great time on the apple picking field trip today. A came home with 4 large apple and M came home with three small ones. They were very excited when I went to pick them up at…

Categories September 2009

Mad Men

A colleague at work gave me two awesome sets of art supplies (markers, crayons, pencils, watercolors, oil pastels, etc.). The girls started playing with them as soon as I got home from work. Here is a picture of them using…

Categories September 2009

Head of the Year

Here are some of the things we did since I blogged last Thursday: Became "junior flu flighters" by getting Flu Mist at the doctor's office. Had a playdate with Abigail. Went to the family service for Rosh Hashanah and saw…

Categories September 2009

Four Books

Tonight I told the girls that I would read them four books. (We usually read two). M was in the midst of coloring, so I told her she could keep coloring upstairs on my bed while A and I read…