Categories September 2009

Breakneck Weekend

We had a very busy weekend with lots of activities for M&A. Ballet Saturday morning -w hich ran 15 minutes over and was supposedly "not too hard" this week. Kennedy Center Multicultural Festival after ballet – which was just OK.…

Categories September 2009

The Return of Clarabelle

Today I picked the girls up at school and told them that I had a number of surprises. They were: balloons within balloons from Trader Joe's new library books, including Tabitha's Terrifically Tough Tooth in honor of M's wiggly tooth…

Categories September 2009

Dog Door

We are nearing the end of a long week, which only felt like a long week, but was in fact a four-day week of which we are at day three. The girls are enjoying having, and doing, homework. Daddy asked…

Categories September 2009

Tuesday Miscellany

Tonight I came home from work to find the girls deep in their homework assignments for the night: some shape sequencing games, connecting capital to lower case letters, and putting some images in order that show a girl planting and…

Categories September 2009

Labor Day Wrapup

We've had a fun Labor Day weekend since the aborted sleepover on Saturday night. Yesterday, we hung out at home in the morning and I went for a longish run, and then we headed out to the Bethesda pool. It…

Categories September 2009

Sleepover, or Not?

I was so tired last night that I fell asleep without posting. I tried, but I fell asleep. So now it's Saturday at lunchtime. We are back from ballet. The girls said it was a good class and that they…