Goodbye to Emily :(
More imaginative commentary from A today. I left some little treats under their pillows last night – M got a light-up magnifying glass and A got some lip gloss. A seems to have taken over the magnifying glass. She told…
More imaginative commentary from A today. I left some little treats under their pillows last night – M got a light-up magnifying glass and A got some lip gloss. A seems to have taken over the magnifying glass. She told…
Have I talked about A's Tooth Fairy Camp? According to A, she goes to Tooth Fairy Camp at night when everyone else is asleep. She says half of her body goes to campat night and half stays in her bed.…
It has been a few days since I posted. I've been under the weather and a bit too tired to post at night, so I have a lot to catch up on. Wednesday was the night of Rosh Hashanah. I…
Back to the grind today. M woke up with a slight fever – 100.5 – so she stayed home from school. She had a relaxing day of reading books, watching TV, and waiting to go pick up A at school.…
I took a few days off from blogging over Labor Day weekend. So here's a report… The girls had a regular day of school on Friday. My office was closed, so I got to pick the girls up, which was…
Tonight was Back to School Night. (Meanwhile, half the kids we know aren't even back to school yet.) We liked M and A's teachers a lot, and think that the teacher/daughter pairing is right in both cases. M's teacher is…
Turns out to have been a good day to be in New York. I am very thankful to be safe and sound, and am glad that my colleagues and friends at work are all safe. Thank you for the calls…