Categories September 2011

Best of Saturday

Highlights of our Saturday: Seeing a few minutes of A&M's ballet class this AM, before they made me go wait OUTSIDE. (Lame.) They looked so cute. Meeting Bunky the little beagle at his foster home. Hopefully Daddy and Nana will…

Categories September 2011

My Sweet Girls

I came home from Montana to two really cute things from the girls. One was a little flag that A made for me using some dried purple flowers glued to a piece of paper with a message. The other was…

Categories September 2011

Monday, Monday

The girls had a good day. After a good night's sleep, A is feeling better. M had baseball practice and she got a 100 on her spelling pre-test, which means she is excused from spelling tests this week. A did…

Categories September 2011

Big Sky Update

Another day here in Montana. Amy is getting better, and she got great news from her doctor today that the pathology report shows that they got it all out and that she's in good shape now. Phew. I got a…

Categories September 2011

Thursday In Abstentia

I am in Montana. By all accounts, the girls had a good day today. A had her first Notebusters session after school, and they sang "Carry on My Wayward Son" and "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" (which A liked better).…

Categories September 2011

See the USA…

Daddy gets to travel all over the world for his job. While not as glamorous, I realized today that since January 2011, I have traveled to a lot of states. Some for work, some for pleasure, and some for both…