Leaving for Montana
I forgot something so sweet that happened the other day. In the morning, I went into the girls' room and snuggled with M in bed for a few minutes before school. Just the two of us. Before I got up…
I forgot something so sweet that happened the other day. In the morning, I went into the girls' room and snuggled with M in bed for a few minutes before school. Just the two of us. Before I got up…
(This is P&B&B&B post #1111). M has had an intermittent sore throat for a few days. She keeps asking us to get her a throat culture. (!) So this morning I took her to the doctor for a throat culture.…
We had a very busy Saturday – looks like we are back in the swing of routines and classes. The girls had ballet this morning, and then we ran a few errands – new shoes (only for A; nothing in…
I forgot to write that M was "Helper of the Day" yesterday. That means she helps with chores around the classroom all day. She also brings in something that matters to her that she can share with the class. She…
Well, it's post-Labor Day and summer is (un)officially over. We're back to school with a vengeance – homework started today and it was cool and rainy. I am very sad that summer is done. No more long days, leisurely walks…
We are at the lake house in PA for the weekend. We're having a relaxing time here and enjoying being with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron (and Darrah and Jason and Sydney, who left this afternoon). The girls swam in…
I am writing this on Friday, but it will post on Saturday. We are going to up Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron's lake house tonight. I especially am looking forward to a change in scenery, as I am finding it…
Last night was Back to School Night. We got to sit at the girls' desks, learn more about their days, and learn about their teachers' styles. They are very different. A's teacher is pretty laid back and easygoing. She speaks…