Categories September 2012

Yom Kippur

Today was the first time the girls went to services without us. They went to a grade 3-5 service while we went to the adult morning service. They said it was boring. They also fasted for much of the day,…

Categories September 2012


Some interesting perspectives on size and weight this week in our house. First, I took Lucky to the vet this AM for a checkup. He's doing fine – no issues. About a month and a half ago, Lucky went for…

Categories September 2012

Love Those Girls

Those girls are so cute. A has to read for 15 minutes every night, and keep a log of what she has read. Since the start of school she has been reading a book called The Tail of Emily Windsnap.…

Categories September 2012

Weekend Update

Busy weekend! Delousing. Baseball – game and practice. M scored ANOTHER home run – line drive to third base. She also had a single and a few pop flies that were unfortunately caught. She ALSO got to play catcher –…

Categories September 2012

Lice Redux

I think from now on, I should just not pick up the phone when the number 202-282-0462 comes up on my Blackberry. That number belongs to the school nurse at Lafayette. Yeah, um, M has lice. Fun. Since I got…

Categories September 2012

Tough Day!

What a day. I went downtown early (there by 8) for a focus group conducted by a pollster that I used to work with. While there, I missed a call from the school nurse. Daddy called her back, and we…

Categories September 2012

N In Utero

Now that baby N is no longer in utero, it's fun to look back at his ultrasound pics to see if they look like the baby that we know today. Here are some 3D ones that were taken toward the…

Categories September 2012

Math Club

As if M doesn't have enough going on with ballet, baseball, piano, Sunday School, guitar ensemble, and (soon) Nutcracker, she is also going to start going to Math Club on Wednesday mornings before school. She is very focused and motivated,…

Categories September 2012

Happy New Year!

Today was Rosh Hashanah. We went to the family service at synagogue today – the five of us and Grandma Sandy. We figure that we could do the family service for one more year. :)  It was fun and the…

Categories September 2012


We are so proud of M today! At her baseball game, she scored a home run on the last play of the game, bringing home 3 Giants and earning a win – 16-13!! This was on top of a double…