Categories September 2015

Back On The Air

We have had a very busy few days here, hence the lack of posts! I'll try to remember what's been going on. First of all, the girls had their recital at Grandma Sandy's today. They did a great job! They…

Categories September 2015

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur. Lots of services. N and I went to Tot Service at 8:45; M, A, Daddy and I went to the BCC alternative service at 10:30, and then Daddy and I went back at 5:30 for Neilah (sp?). It…

Categories September 2015

Typical Days Around Here

I feel like these days are flying by. Here is a typical day: 6:30-7 – Girls wake up. M has been getting up early lately. She comes downstairs and watches Quickpitch on ESPN and has breakfast. Then A comes down…

Categories September 2015

Book Club Sunday

Today was another good day. We had our kickoff book club meeting at our house (we always do the first meeting). The book was Mockingbird, so we made birds' nest cupcakes (another tradition is for us to make themed cupcakes…

Categories September 2015

Presidents Club Seats

Today was a good day. A played in 2 soccer games and won both of them. (And we beat NCS both times!) She played right D, right mid, and striker. Considering it was her first game in 3 months, she…

Categories September 2015

Erev Party for Daddy

We have a lot going on here this week! Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron and Aunt Deb arrived today, and we had a takeout dinner here tonight. (We had the GOP debate on and were horrified by what we were hearing!)…

Categories September 2015

M’s Projects

M finds relaxation and a sense of accomplishment in doing meticulous projects that require concentration and attention (not to mention coordination). I started thinking today about all of the things she has done over the years that fit the bill.…

Categories September 2015

Happy New Year!

Today was a gorgeous September day. I took N to the family service at TS. He was very good, though he was afraid that the shofar was going to be loud and had his hands over his ears for a…

Categories September 2015

Weekend Wrapup

It has been a few days of late nights since I posted. Here's what we packed in this weekend: 2 ballet classes for M A cancelled soccer game for A Haircuts for Daddy and N A sleepover for A at…