Categories September 2015

Much Going On

Things are started to get a little busier around here. M started ballet tonight, and has a crazy schedule. Tonight she was there from 6:15-8:30, and will be there the same time tomorrow. A also has soccer practice tomorrow and…

Categories September 2015

Back from Ron Dee Vous

We are back in DC! We drove hom this afternoon and went straight to a park in Gaithersburg where Harper was having a mini golf birthday party. Shockingly, we got there right on time! The girls had fun and returned…

Categories September 2015

Open House at TSNS

Today we went to N's new classroom and met his teachers, Cordelia and Catelyn. It was only half of his class, and 4 were from Dagim, so it was easy in terms of the other kids. N was a little…

Categories September 2015


I am not going to do these entertaining kids justice in this post, but here goes… N came home from a TSNS open house/playdate today to discover his new underwear. He was VERY excited. He wore underwear all day except…

Categories September 2015

Hook Rugs

When we cleaned out the girls' room, we rediscovered their hook rug kits. Both girls picked them up to resume working on them, and M finished hers yesterday. Here is the one she finished: She also just started a new…