Nerf Night and Curriculum Night
Last night was GDS Curriculum Night. We got to meet all of M's teachers and hear their plans for the year. We were impressed with all of them. They are very different from each other but each seems to be…
Last night was GDS Curriculum Night. We got to meet all of M's teachers and hear their plans for the year. We were impressed with all of them. They are very different from each other but each seems to be…
N is bringing home some impressive work! He got an A on his math graphing test, and he got 3 As on his "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" essay. Here it is (I've corrected spelling and incorporated some of…
This weekend, N: played soccer in baseball clothes played baseball in soccer clothes played soccer in soccer clothes played baseball in baseball clothes played basketball in cleats until I made him switch to sneakers swam in a bathing suit No…
If M is not at volleyball 75 minutes before the game starts, she will not be allowed to start the game. Robek's opens at 9 on Saturday, not 8. No acai bowl before M's game. 🙁 N is not likely…
N has a ton of keychains on his backpack. M has found cute pics on my phone: M doing her nails tonight, pre-Homecoming: Nate has made a list ranking all the teams in terms of whether he likes them or…
Tonight was BTS night at Sidwell. Daddy and I got to meet all of A's teachers and her advisor, and go through her schedule. I am glad I am not a student anymore. I think I am smarter now than…
It is back to school night/class potluck/school picnic season. Tonight was a picnic at RHES and the 10th grade class potluck at GDS, which meant schlepping between the two and missing a big chunk of both. N's was pretty hectic…
I was gone for a few days for Birthdaypalooza with Sarah, Mary and Tracy in Amagansett. It was a fantastic weekend all around – much needed and much appreciated. The week has kicked off. A had a soccer game today.…
Tonight Daddy and I went to the first of our three Back To School nights. This one was at Rosemary Hills, for N. Here are our impressions of the school, his (short-term) teacher and the community: 1) The presentation in…
Big annual project completed here over the weekend: the cleaning out of the art cart. It looks much better now. Let the art commence. Also, how cute are these pics taken after dinner tonight? And HOW CUTE IS THIS PIC…