Chugga Chugga Choo Choo

It has been a long 48 hours here in our house.

M has been sick since Friday night. Her fever is hovering around 101.5 except when she is on meds, and her throat has been hurting a lot. She does not have strep – we took her to Minute Clinic yesterday for a culture and it came back negative. She missed camp today and stayed home with N and Imogene. She seems to have turned a corner tongiht and we are hopeful that she will be able to go to camp tomorrow. Poor pup.

N has had a fever most of the weekend too. His is hoevering around 102. Other than Friday, when he was very cranky, he has been in very good spirits – you'd hardly know he was sick. He HATES taking his medicine and it has been a struggle to administer meds. We tried chewable today and he liked it OK the first time, but he seems to have caught on that it isn't candy and now refuses to take it.

A was the holdout. She went to camp this morning, which she was sad to do without M. She called me from camp in the middle of the morning and said that she had a bad headache. She ended up sticking out the day at camp, and had a playdate after camp with her friend Ellie, who is back from sleep away camp. She is starting to run a bit of a fever too, which we are watching and dreading.

And Nana wasn't feeling too well today either. Not good.

We need this virus to go away!

Here is the little boy on our walk with Lucky tonight. He was doing "chugga chugga choo choo" on the little parking space on 32nd Street that we have always called "the train". Too cute. Sadly, you can't hear him say "chugga chugga choo choo", which he was doing.




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