
We are in the throes of Cinderella!

The girls performed last night and are there again tonight. Thankfully their afternoon rehearsal yesterday was cancelled, so they were able to go to Notebusters (A) and Girls on the Run (M) after school. Then they went downtown to the Kennedy Center and we got to see them onstage around 8:20 PM! They did beautifully and the ballet itself was great. We were able to fill a few empty seats in our row and they watched the second and third acts with us.

Here are some photos from last night:

M&A with Caroline, a fellow winter fairy attendant, and their friend Olivia:


M&A with M's teacher Mrs. Yedwab and her daughter Audrey:


A's bun, which she did herself:



Tonight, Grandma Sandy drove the girls to the Kennedy Center. I ended up meeting them there en route home from VA because I wanted to give A some lipstick that she wanted for Cinderella – Maybelline Fifth Avenue Fuschia. So we arrived at the Kennedy Center at the same time and I got to walk the girls in. Here are some pics:



What cuties!!

I will say this: it takes a village to have kids in the ballet when you have two working parents. THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO THE FOLLOWING VILLAGERS who have made our lives possible this week:

To Grandma Sandy for driving the girls downtown on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (and for cheering them on on Wednesday)

To Emily for babysitting for the little boy last night (and making it look so easy!)

To Imogene for taking such great care of the girls and the little boy all week, for making beautiful buns, for racing through dinner and bath, and for going to the school at 10:30 am yesterday to tell the girls in person that they didn't need to leave school early and instead could go to Notebusters/Girls on the Run. With the little boy in tow.

To Nana and Grampy for bringing the girls home tonight after cheering them on and getting them tickets to see Acts 2 and 3 tonight after their show. (I am home waiting for them!)

Daddy is off to a tour of the Middle East toight and will be home on Wednesday. Sadly he is missing the remaining performances and Passover, but he got to see them perform twice.

One downside of this week – I missed Emily Ellis as Cinderella. She is performing as Cinderella tonight and tomorrow and Sunday matinees, and I am seeing the evening shows and didn't go tonight. She did post this beautiful backstage photo of all the winter fairy attendants (and the winter fairy!) on my Facebook wall:

Such cuteness.

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