City Of Ember Project

N had to do a project for his enrichment session with Ms. Yedwab yesterday, related to the book City of Ember. He had to make a museum out of symbols from the book. He chose a light bulb, canned food, darkness, a cityscape and colored pencils. He also had to write up a description for each one about why it was significant to the book. Here they are:










He now has the second book in the series to take with him to Europe.

He also had his last day of Young Entrepreneurs camp today. He really liked it! He spent some time in the pool this afternoon – first alone and then for a long time with Dad. Tomorrow is packing and then we leave on Sunday!

A is finished working at Kenwood Country Club. M is done with Busboys for 2 weeks but will go back when we get back. I can't believe we are into August now. So sad!

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