
Well that was quite a long weekend we just had.

On Thursday, Dad and I both went to NYC (but not together, bc that would have been too convenient). We met up at the Westin Times Square and got all dolled up for THE event of the year: the Clooney Foundation for Justice's annual Albie Awards, which go to people who have fought for civil and human rights around the world. We didn't know it, but there were TONS of A-list stars there. TONS. And it wasn't that big of a group, so we saw all the stars up close.

Who was there:
Matt Damon
John Krasinski
Emily Blunt
Meryl Streep
Julianne Moore
Juliana Maguiles
Jeremy Strong
Keegan Michael Key
Greta Gerwig and Lorne Michaels (we never saw them)
Anne Hathaway
Jon Stewart

and more and more! We had a great time. It was surreal!

Then on Friday we went out to dinner in a soggy, rainy NYC for our anniversary. We went to a pescetarian Italian restaurant in the W Village – very yummy and lively and fun.

Then on Saturday we took the train to Princeton to see M for Parents Weekend! We had brunch with her, then went to a few sessions, went to a club soccer game to see her friends play, went to a reception with the president of Princeton, hit a reception hosted by some of her friends' parents, and then went out to dinner. It was great to see more of the beautiful Princeton campus and spend time with M, who is thriving there even if every day isn't perfect yet. Today we had a quick brunch with M in her cafeteria and headed home via the train.

It was great to see N upon our return. He and Nana had a fun few days together. They made cookies and pizza and took H out a lot and went to N's baseball game, which the Orioles won.

Then tonight Dad and N played pickleball for a while, and N and I went hoverboarding/walking H, and we made dinner and apple pie muffins for the week.

I am too tired to wrestle with Typepad over photos, but will share pics tomorrow. I am glad to be home!

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