Come ON, DUDE!

N's school starts at 9:15, and M&A get dropped off at 8:40, so I've been taking N with me in the car to do Lafayette dropoff and then taking him to TSNS. En route, he likes to chatter a lot in the car. Some things that he says along the way:

  • "Ice cream!" when we past Broad Branch Market
  • "Come ON, DUDE!" (imitating me)
  • "Park!" when we pass the playground
  • "Audiobook!" because he wants me to turn on my audiobook (awww!!!!!)
  • "Tractor!" when we pass construction on Quesada and 33rd, which always makes me laugh bc I never focus on the construction trucks, only on the hassle

He is so excited when we get to school that he doesn't even look back after he walks into his classroom. No "bye Mama", not even a look at me. I guess that's good.

Also, when Daddy is out of town, M&A usually sleep in my bed. They've been sleeping in there for a week now. There are usually some struggles over blanket coverage. One night I found this post-it on the bed sitting on top of A's turquoise blanket.

Photo (9)




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