
We had our parent-teacher conferences about M&A this morning.

The upshot: no areas of concern. According to their teachers, the girls are lovely, polite, good at sharing, enthusiastic, and on target with their fine and gross motor skills. The only thing that wasn’t 100% positive? A isn’t that good at cutting paper along a straight line. We can live with that.

The girls are apparently pretty independent at school. Sometimes they play together, sometimes they don’t. They each play with other kids. They both like Jessica a lot. The M-A-Abigail trifecta (Abigail calls herself "the third twin") seems to have loosened some. So that’s all good news.


After our conferences, (New) Aidan came over for a playdate. When Aidan walked in, the girls were wearing their new dress-up (costume) dresses. Before he even took his coat off, he said, “I like your dresses! Where did you get them?”

Big weekend ahead: Birthday party! Ron/Dina/Darrah/Jason in town! Mother’s Day! Presents! Presents! Presents!

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Happy Mother’s Day to you, Gayle. You certainly are a wonderful mother to M and A, and your love for them shows in every way.

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