Conferences and Mother’s Day Books

Today we had parent-teacher conferences for the girls, our final ones of the year. Both conferences went really well. The girls are doing great, and their teachers are very happy with their progress this year.

A's teacher says that she is the "easiest" and "girliest" girl in the class, and she is an "emotional reader" who processes what she is reading. M is more confident and social than she was in the beginning of the year and is one of the best readers in the class and does her math facts quickly and automatically. Lots of other good things were said. 🙂

When we found out that we were due in early June, there were a lot of events that I was worried about missing out on, in case we went early or I was put on bedrest. These included Alice (rehearsals and performances), M's baseball games, A's Notebusters concert, this round of parent-teacher conferences, Arts Night (this Wednesday), the girls' birthday party, the girls' birthday, Mother's Day. Other than Arts Night and a few more baseball games, which are still to come, I've made it to all of them. That's a huge relief for me. One of my biggest concerns with this baby has been not being there for M&A, and it looks like the timing is working out well.

The girls are home today (no school because of conferences). They had a piano lesson this morning and are now ice-skating at Cabin John (which is where I remember ice-skating as a kid). The weather is crummy, which is why they aren't just at the playground.

Now, here is the Mother's Day book that A put together for me. It was done on purple paper (my favorite color!) but for some reason the scan came out in black-and-white:










