Cookie Factory

Two exciting things to report.

First, this morning, we transformed the kitchen into a cookie-making factory. We made four types of cookies: chocolate-chip cookies, sugar cookies with sprinkles, frosted pumpkin rock cookies, and peanut butter cookies. M & A were very helpful, especially with mixing, sprinkling, and licking the beaters. (They had a lot of sugar this morning.) We have a few holiday parties to go to and are going to bring the cookies as gifts.

Second, we saw the The Nutcracker last night! It was a great local production and the girls loved it. M’s favorites: big lady with skirt, Chinese Tea dancers, and the snowflakes. A’s favorites were the Russians, the big lady with the skirt, and the finale with all of the dancers. Buppie came too and we all enjoyed watching the girls experience their first live ballet. They’ve been talking about it a lot today, so I know it was a hit.

Otherwise, it was a rainy, quiet day. The girls stayed in their pajamas through naptime, which is unheard of in this house.

Here are some photos of the cookie fest, as well as a funny video of A inside a duck container.

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1 comment

Anonymous says:

Today’s blog was fun. Thanks for the photos and the video too.

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