So the big news from here is that N has covid. He tested positive on Tuesday night. It's now Thursday. He is home for the rest of the week and tested positive again today. Poor boy. He's stuffy and BORED. Thankfully it's warm so we set up the ping pong table again today and he beat me each set (4). We are hoping he'll be able to play baseball this weekend, that he can go to the neighborhood Halloween party and that he's all better by Halloween next week. 

N and I have worked on his Halloween costume this week. He's doing low battery/charging battery signs.





Hobart finished school today. I picked him up at rush hour for the the last time and managed to get him on the agility exercises for a little while. We have two more 1:1s together – one next Monday and one the week after – and then he will be fully graduated. I am working with him on some of his new commands. 

Final excitement today: I spotted a Kansas license plate on the way to pick up H on Rockville Pike. That means that in the last month, we have spotted 45 states. All that's left: Alabama, Hawaii, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota.




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