Cranky M

We are having some problems with M being cranky – to an extreme. Most of this week, when I've gotten home from work, she has been very, very cranky and mean. She usually manages to clear up before bedtie, but it's a dicey few hours in there. I am not sure what's happening – she is usually a sunny kid. When she gets cranky, she is quite mean to me and to A and sometimes throws things and kicks. Not so fun.

11 more days of kindergarten!!!

Yesterday after school the girls had tennis and a birthday party for Olivia O. in the neighborhood. It was also a party for Olivia's dog, so they brought a little present for the pup.

Today they had piano lessons.


1 comment

a says:

Poor M! She’s unhappy about something. Don’t we all have days that are “not so good”, and even adults have a hard time with them.
Perhaps M will share whatever made her unhappy. She’s usually such an angel and so good natured. Give her my love.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Ann

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