Crazy Saturday!

We had quite a day!

It went like this:

Wake up

Girls go to bootcamp with me

Come home for Daddy's French Toast

Girls ready for ballet

Drop girls at ballet

Daddy go for a run

Mommy/N/Lucky for a walk

Babysitter comes

Daddy to airport for Tufts reunion

Daddy misses flight due to traffic

Go to ballet to get girls

Take girls to baseball game

M plays one inning – right field; walked to first

Back to ballet school for rehearsal

Daddy's flight takes off

Home to relieve babysitter

Take N to Trader Joe's 

Back to ballet to pick up girls


Walk Lucky

Make dinner

N bath and bed

Watch TV with girls

Here are the girls at bootcamp. They couldn't do the pullups so they just did the monkey bars.

Photo 1 (4)

Photo 2 (3)

And HOW CUTE IS THIS? I went to pick up the girls from a playdate yesterday afternoon. En route, home, they held hands! AWWWW

Photo (2)



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