Crazy Week!

It has been quite a week here so far, and it is only Wednesday. We had a power outage last night, so we had no electricity from 8 PM until 5 AM. This was due to a massive thunderstorm that happened right after I got home from work. Daddy and I have also had crazy weeks at work, with lots of important meetings and presentations.

In the meantime, our kitchen is being replaced starting Monday, and our A/C was out for almost a week until yesterday, and the weather has been dramatic in one way or another.

The girls are in their last week of Levine camp. Tomorrow is the first of two camp presentations, which they have been rehearsing for ever since camp started. I am going to the presentaiton tomorrow, and Daddy is going on Friday. I can't wait. I've been seeing and hearing hints of it for a while. I know that M gets to "hold the meteor shower".

Today the girls did a bunch of peel-and-stick animals. What's notable about that is that A NEVER does peel-and-stick. Very exciting. M made two animals and is going to give them to her counselors tomorrow – so cute.

Tomorrow after the presentation, I am going to CA for a blogger conference at Yahoo. It will be a short trip – I come back on Saturday night. Will try to post from the trip and report back on the presentation.

1 comment

a says:

Your blogs are always so very interesting. I sometimes feel that I am there with all of you. Mommy, have a good trip to CA and a safe return.
Aunt Ann

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