N has had an eventful few weeks. Two weeks ago, he was in NYC visiting camp friends and had a mishap and ended up cracking his tooth on a hardwood floor. He and Dad had driven up to NYC for a visit, and he only got an hour in before it happened. They ended up coming back to DC that night so that he could see an endodontist and then get his tooth fixed. He is now fine and looks totally normal, but UGH. Poor kid. He missed a day of school.
THEN he got the flu. And missed another day and half of school. He is finally feeling better after a fever and lots of coughing. He was able to make it to a bar mitzvah over the weekend and he spent a few hours working in the store, but otherwise he has been taking it easy. No track, no quiz bowl, no Noar.
N’s bar mitzvah is TWO MONTHS AWAY OMG. We have a lot to do.

This is Nate about 2 minutes ago. We are watching the Grammys.
Meanwhile, M is in the middle of bicker – gulp – and A is standing in for an actor on a set tonight.
Here is a pic of A out to dinner with Griffin (and Shelby) last night. Don’t they look like siblings?

Here is a pic taken today at Princeton. Darrah, Jason and Grandpa Ron came to Princeton to see a show and they saw M!

These are the three cutest and best kids ever.