Daddy’s Party at State

The party for Daddy last night was lovely. Secretary Kerry spoke about Daddy for about 10 minutes and it was a very nice speech about all of the work Daddy did and what a great leader he was. He presented Daddy with a very special award that is the highest honor you can get in the State Department. Then Daddy spoke and gave a very eloquent, passionate speech about his job, his team and his family. I won't do it justice here but maybe I can include some excerpts from it later this weekend.

We are all very proud of Daddy and really enjoyed celebrating his achievements at the State Department. It was very special having the whole family there to help celebrate. Thank you to Darrah and Deb for flying in and to Ron and Dina for making the party so special and taking us out to a really nice dinner last night.

We're all very tired. Hopefully tomorrow I will remember to post about Back to School Night, which I went to last night. I got to hear from all of M&A's teachers except for Ms. Culp.

Today A went to Dance Club after school and seemed to really like it. She had soccer practice and M had ballet so it has been a busy night.

Congrats Daddy. More on the party, including photos, when I have more time and energy!

1 comment

aunt deb says:

So great to see everyone for such a wonderful reason! Love to all – Auntie Deb

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