Dad’s Birthday Weekend

We had a nice weekend in Shohola celebrating Dad’s birthday at the lake house. We arrived Friday night, late, and then hung out at the house Saturday and today. Darrah and Jason came midday yesterday, and Deb arrived last night, though very sadly Ben and Jonathan have tested positive for covid so she had to isolate when she arrived. Such a bummer for all of them. Thank you to Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina for hosting us and making lovely meals.

We got the dreaded call from camp today. N has a fever – 102 at its highest – and was in the camp infirmary again. Sadly, he missed going on a 5 day trip to the Boundary Waters with some of his cabinmates and his counselor. According to Adam, he was really sad, and we understand why. He was really pushing himself to go on this trip and once he decided to go, I’m sure he was quite disappointed to miss it.

We are now back in DC. M has finished work so she has a nice week ahead of her. A leaves for London on Tuesday – she is visiting Delphi and they are going to Ibiza too. M and I are going to OBX with Grandma on Thursday for 3 days to stay with J & L.