Dance Mania

We have had a very active Saturday.

This morning, we went to gymnastics. The girls did very well. After gymnastics, we went to the dry cleaner, where M&A helped me count all of Daddy’s shirts. (13 – way overdue dropoff). Then we got sandwiches from Subway and brought them home so Daddy could have lunch with us. (He is still sick).

After an early nap, we tried out a family dance event called Rock n’Tot. It’s great in theory – get families together in a child-friendly space, play fun dance music, and let the kids and their parents dance away. In practice – it was OK, not great. Dance floor wasn’t big enough, too many strollers crowding the main area, and the place was too narrow and vertical. I think the girls had fun, though – we did some good dancing, especially at the end. A tied some scarves around her arms and said that she was a butterfly. M also, for the first, time, tried face-painting, although she wouldn’t get it on her face, only on her hand. She got a lovely ballerina, which she protected during bath using a plastic cup so that it wouldn’t smudge or wash away.

I introduced the girls to Michael Jackson on the way to the dance party. They liked him a lot, especially "Beat It" and "Billie Jean". A said, "Sometimes it sounds like a woman, and sometimes it sounds like a man." Yep.

One cute thing – I entered a raffle at the party, and I ended up winning a kind of funky, urban diaper bag. I told the girls I would give it to my friend Chip, whose wife is about to have a baby. A said, "Yes, because Chip doesn’t have a diaper bag, right? Well, give it to Chip, but if he has a diaper bag, then let’s give it back to the lady."

Buppie and Aunt Tequila are over, which is fun for all of us.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I can just visualize you and the girls dancing and the fun all of you had. Sorry Dan is not well.

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