Dancing Partners

The girls have been getting along really well the last week or two. They always do, but lately they seem to be taking real delight in each other and getting a lot of enjoyment out of their activities. A has had a tough week with a girl at school, which we are getting to the bottom of, but I am always so grateful that she has a supportive friend and sister to walk home with at the end of every day. The reinforcement they give each other has to make a difference when things get tough.

Last night, A was whistling, which was annoying M. It was the end of a long day, with ballet rehearsal and then class, and it was almost 9PM. M said, rather sharply, "A, stop whistling! It is driving me crazy." That's the type of thing that might have set off A before, but she looked up, and matter of factly said, "OK" and stopped whistling. Then M gave her a nice smile and said, "Thanks." That's something that could have gone in another direction another time, but they seemed very content with each other and it resolved nicely.

Love having twins, especially THESE twins!

Tonight they are performing at a fundraiser at the Washington Club downtown. Should be fun for them! I'd go but it it costs a lot of money and we're already seeing the ballet in a few weeks.

Here is a very entertaining video of the girls dancing last night:


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