Day 52

A sang in a song today to honor the graduating seniors in chorus. Everyone submitted video of themselves singing the song and then her teacher put all the voices into one video with images of the people singing. You can see it here:

Tonight A Zoomed with 6 friends for a "spa night". It started at 8:30 and as of 11:30 it was still going on.

I finished this puzzle tonight, finally. N helped.


N is milking every. last. second. of pleasure from the 2019 postseason. Tonight alone we discussed which players played worst in the offseason and he quizzed me on who pitched every single game and what the scores of each of those games was. I could barely remember any of them! So much for "you should spend hundreds of dollars on postseason games because you'll always remember that you were there". I was like, "Was I at that game?"

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